Presentations by Epividian Scientists and Collaborators
Oral Presentations
Dieterich DT, Brunet L, Hsu RK, Pierone Jr G, Mounzer K, Weber RP, Dunbar MS, Gruber J, Yee LJ, Frenette C, Fusco GP. O-20 HBV-HIV Co-Infection & Tenofovir Interruption in the United States: Monitoring Practices and Incidence of Hepatitis B Reactivation or Hepatitis Flare. Global Hepatitis Summit. Los Angeles, CA, USA; March 18-21, 2025 <Download PDF>
Mills A, Brunet L, Frost K, Hsu R, Pierone Jr G, Sension M, Lackey P, Mounzer K, Wohlfeiler M, Fusco J, Brown C, Vannappagari V, Aboud M, Budnik P, Fusco G. Cabotegravir Long-Acting for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP): Real World Data on On-Time Dosing, HIV Testing and HIV Acquisition from the OPERA Cohort. IDWeek. Los Angeles, CA, USA; October 16-19, 2024 Download PDF >
Pierone G, Brunet L, Fusco J, Sension M, Dunbar M, Gruber J, Dieterich D, Fusco G. Suppressed Switch to Bictegravir/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Alafenamide vs. Dolutegravir/Lamivudine: Virologic Failure and Durability. IDWeek. Boston, MA, USA; October 11-15, 2023 Download PDF >
Hsu R, Sension M, Fusco F, Brunet L, Cochran Q, Sridhar G, Vannappagari V, van Wyk J, Wohlfeiler M, Fusco G. Real-World Use of Long-Acting Cabotegravir + Rilpivirine in People with HIV with Detectable Viral Loads at Initiation: Findings from the OPERA® Cohort. IDWeek. Boston, MA; October 11-15, 2023 Download PDF >
Sension MG, Hsu RK, Fusco JS, et al. Real-World Use of Long-Acting Cabotegravir + Rilpivirine in the US: Effectiveness in the First Year. Presented at: IDWeek, October 19-23, 2022; Washington, DC, USA Download PDF >
Mallon P, Brunet L, Hsu R, et al. Weight gain before and after switch from TDF to TAF [OAB0604]. Presented at: 23rd International AIDS Conference; 6-10 July 2020; Virtual Meeting Download PDF >
Hsu R, Brunet L, Fusco J, et al. Incidence of CKD With TDF and Non-TDF Containing Antiretroviral Regimens by Baseline D:A:D CKD Risk In People Living With HIV. Presented at: European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS)2019; Basel, Switzerland Download PDF >
Mounzer K, Brunet L, Hsu R, et al. Changes in BMI associated with antiretroviral regimens in treatment-experienced, virologically suppressed individuals living with HIV. Presented at: IDWeek 2019; Washington, D.C Download PDF >
Mills AM, Schulman KL, Fusco JS, et al. Virologic Failure In ART-Naive HIV Patients With High Pre-Therapy Viral Load Burden Initiating On Common Core Agents. Presented at: 10th IAS Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2019)2019; Mexico City, Mexico Download PDF >
Lackey P, Brunet L, Fusco J, Vannappagari V, Ragone L, Fusco G. Body Fat Redistribution/Accumulation, Pancreatic Disorders, Musculoskeletal Disorders, IRIS, Severe Systemic Rash and Hypersensitivity Reactions following initiation of commonly prescribed antiretrovirals. Presented at: IDWeek 2018; Washington, D.C., USA Download PDF >
Dieterich DT, Fusco JS, Becker SL, Balu RB, Fusco GP. Hepatotoxicity associated with NNRTIs & NRTI backbones. Oral Presentation. Abstract 30. 8th International Workshop on HIV Databases. Mar 2004, Montreux, Switzerland
Stern JAC, May M, Costagliola D, Pezzotti P, Ledergerber B, deWolf F, Lundgren J, Fusco JS, Staszewski S, Raffi F, Hogg RS, Phillips AN, Gill MJ, Fatkenheuer G, Chene G. Does it matter where you came from? Prognosis of patients starting potent therapy, according to initial response. Oral presentation. 10th Annual Congress on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. Feb 2003, Boston, MA
Ledergerber B, Lundgren JD, Fusco GP, Weber R, Wit F, Castelli F, Staszewski S, Hogg R, Walker AS, Petoumenos K, d'Arminio Monforte A, Mussini C, Lampe F, Gill MJ, Phillips AN. Factors affecting CD4 count slope in patients with stable viral load following three class virologic failure. Oral presentation. Session 27, 10th Annual Congress on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. Feb 2003, Boston, MA
Ledergerber B, Lundgren JD, Fusco GP, Weber R, Wit F, Castelli F, Staszewski S, Hogg R, Walker AS, PetoumenosK , D´Armenio Monforte A, Mussioni C, Lampe F, Gill MJ, Phillips A. Factors contributing to the success of ART following three class virological failure: the PLATO collaboration. Oral presentation 576. International AIDS Society Conference. July 2003, Paris, France
McKinnon E, Fusco JS, John M, Fusco GP, Becker SL, James I, Mallal S. Assessment of global virological response to first HAART via convolutions. Oral presentation. 7th International Workshop on HIV Databases. Mar 2003, Fiuggi, Italy
Raffanti S, Arbogast P, Scarsella A, Becker SL, Fusco JS, Dieterich D, Fusco GP. Antiretroviral therapy and cardiovascular disease in HIV infected individuals. Oral presentation. 4th Annual Observational Database Meeting. 2003, Washington, D.C
Raffanti SR, Fusco JS, Becker SL, Sherrill BH, Hansen NI, Justice AC, D’Aquila R, Mangialardi WJ, Fusco GP. Effect of persistent viremia on disease progression during HIV therapy. Oral presentation. 4th Annual Observational Database Meeting. 2003, Washington D.C
Fusco J, Wesolowski L, Becker S, Balu R, Fusco G. Metabolic syndrome. Oral presentation. 3rd Annual North American HIV Cohorts Meeting. Nov 2002, Washington D.C;.
McKinnon E, Fusco J, John M, Fusco G, Becker S, James I, Mallal S. Virologic Response to HAART. Oral presentation. 3rd Annual North American HIV Cohorts Meeting. Nov, 2002, Washington D.C
Justice AC, Wagner JH, Fusco GP, Fusco JS, Dieterich DT, Becker SL, McGinnis KA, Conigliaro J, Bonomo R, and Rodriguez-Barradas M. HIV survival: liver function tests independently predict survival. Oral presentation. 1058. XIV International AIDS Conference. July 2002, Barcelona, Spain
Sabin C, Phillips A, Fusco J, Youle M, Gill J, Barbour J, D’Arminio Monforte A, Dauer B, Staszewski S, Braun J, Deeks S, Miller V. The effect of treatment Interruption in patients with virologic failure: results from a multi-cohort collaborative study. Oral presentation. 8th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. Feb 2001, Chicago, IL
Braun JF, Fusco JS. Treatment interruptions. Oral presentation. 2nd Annual North American HIV Cohorts Meeting, Dec 2000, Washington D.C
King J, Justice AC, Chang J, Roberts M, Fusco JS, West N. A markov model of long-term HIV/AIDS survival in the post-HAART era. Oral presentation. 39th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC), Oct1999, San Francisco, CA
Justice AC, Chang CH, Fusco JS, West N. Extrapolating longterm HIV/AIDS survival in the post HAART era. Oral presentation. 39th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC), Oct1999, San Francisco, CA
Becker S, Fusco G, Hansen N, Fusco J, Wilson D, Graham, N, Igboko E. Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor sequencing—prior d4T therapy impairs viral load response to ZDV-containing regimens to a greater extent than ZDV prior to d4T. Oral presentation. International Workshop on Salvage Therapy for HIV infection, May 1999, Toronto, Canada